Here are instructions on how the claims process works from the parent’s point of view. Let me know if you need anything further.
Your injury report needs to be submitted by completing the form at:
Once completed, both you and the state soccer association will receive an email indicating that a First Notice of Loss (FNOL) has been submitted/received. This will prompt the state association to go in and review the claim. Once they have reviewed & put their stamp of approval on it, you will receive an email notifying you that it has moved from a First Notice of Loss (FNOL) to a claim & will provide you with some additional instructions and contact info. The broker (Players Health) will submit the claim form to the insurance carrier’s Third Party Administrator (TPA) for processing. You should receive a letter of acknowledgement within 16 business days from the date that your report has been approved by the state soccer association.
Please note the following:
- The claim acknowledgement letter is sent via email. You will want to watch your spam/junk mail folders closely.
- The FNOL & Claim numbers that you may receive from the Players Health claims portal are just internal tracking numbers and are not used by the insurance carrier/TPA.
To complete the filing process you will need to collect the following information:
- Itemized Bills from providers (must include procedure & diagnosis codes). These forms are often referred to as UB-04 or HCFA 1500. You will need to request these from your provider as payment cannot be made off of the balance due statements that are generally automatically mailed out to you.
- Copies of your primary insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOBs). These will either be mailed directly to you from your insurance provider or will be available online to you on your insurance provider’s website.
- If you have them available, you can also submit paid receipts showing what you have already paid out of pocket for this injury.
You will need to submit all of these items to the Third Party Administrator (TPA) once you have received your claim acknowledgement letter via email from them. Please note that it is STRONGLY recommended that you keep copies of all items submitted for your records – don’t send your only copy. We would certainly hate it if something was unexpectedly lost in the mail.
Also, please note that your injury claim will be processed per the policy provisions. That means that you will be responsible for a deductible under this policy.
We appreciate your patience as your claim works its way through this process. Please let us know if there is anything we can assist you with.